Public lecture at Kolem Světa Spring festival 2016

In March, Prague is to welcome another year of traveler's festival Kolem Světa. We are very pleased to attend this kind of festival again, a few days earlier in Plzen or in Czech Budejovice in April. There is an interesting program that allows you to remain at one place and still see different parts of the world at the same time. Táňa Bednářová will be giving again a lecture about Guinea as she did did in autumn here. This time on Saturday March 12, in Malý sál no.3 from 4.30 pm till 5.30 pm.
Franco-German travelers THE PILGREENS that overcome 20 000 km from Bangkok to France with their electric tuktuk are also part of the program.The same, you can see a Slovak filmmaker and adventurer PAVOL BARABAS with a special projection of his visits to African tribal territories from which he made several films and he will also introduce his newest movie SURI.
Apart from lectures and workshops, festival Kolem světa offers another amazing opportunities such as exotic food or excellent dance performances. You can look forward to Bijou: Afro-dance in less than 14 days at RAHA - Cestovatelský festival KOLEM SVĚTA !
Other program :
- During the festival, you can find traditional henna, face painting or rasta braids if you want to decorate yourself. Also, you will be able to purchase exotic gifts from different countries, experience traditional painting mandalas and Indian massage.
- During the program, there is possibility to improve your skills over SLR camera with professionals from NIKON school. Workshops will be held on Saturday and Sunday from 1pm.