10.000 czech crowns for the construction of our school, thanks to Soul Club Jihlava!

Big thanks to everyone who donated clothes, prepared a meal, performed, painted and edited - all of this for free - and to those, who attended and supported the charity event HOUSE MARKET / BAZAR and thus supported our school construction in Guinea. Many thanks goes to the SOUL music club, that made this amazing event possible. ♡ We are really happy to announce, that we collected nearly 10.000 czech crowns for our school project. :)
For more information about our school construction in Guinea click zde or watch the videospot.
Your Little Big Help / Public Donation: 2800829748/2010
The event was held from Friday afternoon until Saturday morning. The afternoon program was focused on children. Kids could participate in many activities, such as face painting by us or later on by Natalka Schenková Malování na obličej / Bodypainting, they could also watch the performance of YoYo club Jihlava, buy some new clothes or get their new haircut by Martina Nováková ( we also took advantage of her service. :) Kuchařského studia slunce offered amazing african cuisine and Tana Bednarova talked about her travels to Guinea. There was even live guitar music provided by Markéta Baťová, who performed some of her very own music. She was not the only one who took care of the music though. Dj MAARA, who also donated clothes for New Pain bazaar, played his set until 22:00.
Then it was turn for the residents of this event Djs MEJLA / KOPR / Housefruit and JIRAN, who was followed by soul C´MOI, saxophonist Filip Markes from Yannick Markes Project and EF BEAT,that played live beats on darbuka.
Our thanks also goes to Jihlavský deník, radio Vysočina and radio Region for their support.