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From our journeys into Guinea since November 1999 we have a lot of photos and videos, but unfortunately most of them were not published. We would like to share these experiences with you, so we will slowly add videos to watch or to download . There is also a material for possible cooperation in PR, banners, printed materials and logos for download. For every support we are very grateful .

" Better is hard work than inaction " Konfucius

If you need anything else, please do not hesitate to contact us.

They wrote about us:

Deník Neziskovky / Wontanara adopce na dálku

Reflex / Starším se neodmlouvá / 2013

Česká televize / Záznam dokumentárního filmu Olgy Somerové / 2007 / Lejla Abbasová: Asi sem se lehce zbláznila / 16.9.2007

Hospodářské noviny / Projekt Medela bude pomáhat dětem celého světa / 14.11.2006

Wontanara na Festivalu Obzory / Dětské workshopy a fair trade stánek s uměleckými předměty / 06.11.2015